Monday, March 16, 2015


Our own congressman, Rep. Donald Payne, Jr. (D), has been tapped by Democratic leaders in the House to deliver a 60-minute protest and acknowledgment of the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act.

As reports:

WASHINGTON — After the U.S. House finishes its last vote of the day, Rep. Donald Payne Jr. tonight will stand up behind a desk on the floor, get the presiding officer's attention, and begin an hour of speeches on voting rights.

The lawmaker has been tapped by his colleagues to lead what are known as special orders, an opportunity for lawmakers to opine on any topic they want to and inform the viewers back home through C-SPAN, which televises the proceedings.

"All we can do is put the information out there and let our community know we're fighting for them," said Payne (D-10th Dist.), who is coordinating the speech-making of Congressional Black Caucus members every Monday night that the House is in session.

See the full story HERE.

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