Saturday, November 22, 2014


A PSE&G representative spoke to a group of about two dozen fed-up College Hill residents Saturday morning, but did little to assuage demands for an end to the rash of power outages that have struck the area from Bowdoin to Wellesley and Harvard to Tuscan.

Peter Honan, a senior engineering plant supervisor, wrote off the series of outages that have plagued the area for the past few years, to individual incidents -- from squirrels to power lines -- and all but dismissed any overall power supply problem.

He did tell the College Hill Neighborhood Association, which held the meeting, that he would review past problems and seek more information.

He also urged residents to call in complaints of any kind. 

The complaint line is 1-800-436-7734 (PSEG)

You can file a complaint HERE.

His phone is 973-365-5468 or

He did not seem willing to admit our area had more power outages than most or that any overall problem existed.

It seems any chance for overall upgrades or improvements is dim.

See a clip of his appearance below:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you expect anything else from him. the utility companies do whatever they want to us. the answer get off their GRID