Friday, February 21, 2014


Tuscan's poor response to dangerous paths
So the lack of response at Tuscan School to the continued safety hazards from the snow and ice seemed to get only worse this week.

Just a week after fire officials warned the school of problems from icy paths and snow, police were called to the school Thursday by angry parents who were upset with the icy walkway both from Harvard Avenue to the playground, and along the sidewalk on Tuscan Road. 

Both areas were extremely slippery and dangerous and seemed to have been ignored by school officials and Principal Malikah Majeed.

Several parents told us they had reached out to Majeed about the problem and were told to call police, who showed up and warned the school. There were also several cases of students and adults reporting bloody injuries from painful falls on the ice and snow.

Majeed's answer was to put up a small caution notice along the pathway from Harvard, but apparently do nothing about the ice itself.

She then sent parents an arrogant robocall (below) that claimed she had responded to parents when she had only ignored their concerns once again.

This situation has gone from inept management of the school grounds to dangerous hazards. The school district must do something to make sure these problems do not continue. If that means ridding us of this poor principal then do it.

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