Tuesday, October 16, 2012


PATCH with a good report on last week's joint school board/township committee meeting:

The Maplewood Township Committee, the South Orange Board of Trustees and the South Orange - Maplewood Board of Education (BOE) shared information on important issues -- including budgets, redevelopment and more -- that impact both towns and the school district at a special workshop on Thursday.
Here is a summary of some of what was discussed:
Moving BOE Elections to November
The group discussed the possibility of moving the BOE elections from April to November. In the past, the Maplewood Township Committee (TC) voted in favor of the move; while the South Orange Board of Trustees declined to take any action and the Board of Education voted against.
(BOE President Beth Daugherty explained that SOMSD is unusual in that it is the only school district of its type in the state that has a Board of School Estimate as the ultimate taxing authority on school budgets, rather than having a public vote on budgets.)

More HERE.

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