Friday, May 4, 2012


We wrote about this a while ago, but the Township sent this notice out this week...

The striping and signage that you are seeing are on roads designated on the Maplewood Bikeway Network Plan that was prepared by Urbana Consulting and presented to the Township Committee. We have started to provide the recommended signage and striping on some of the shared roads recommended in the report. We will be providing more of the markings in the future to help implement the recommendations. The report is on the Township web site and we have provided a link to it at:
The markings are those recommended in the reports and have been installed as recommended in the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices which regulates pavement markings. The markings serve as a reminder to motorists and bicyclists to be aware of each other and be courteous in your driving habits. They are not intended to be a dedicated bike lane.

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