Tuesday, December 13, 2011


PATCH has the letter from Superintendent of Schools Brian Osborne to the state opposing the Mandarin-language charter school, which would take about $1 million from our taxes:

Dr. Brian Osborne sent the following letter to N.J. Department of Education Acting Commissioner Christopher Cerf on December 8, 2011, on behalf of the South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education. The letter concerns the October 2011 New Jersey Charter School Application for Hua Mei Charter School which would be located in Maplewood and draw primarily from West Orange School District and South Orange-Maplewood School District. NJ Spotlight reports that Hua Mei has made the first cut in the process; a final decision will be rendered on January 17.
Dear Acting Commissioner Cerf:

The South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education received a second application on behalf of a proposed charter school, the Hua Mei Charter School. If the application is granted in January, the Hua Mei Charter School would open its doors in September 2012. The proposal would establish a K-5 school
to serve students in Maplewood, South Orange and West Orange, in a “Mandarin Immersion” setting.  
Read more at PATCH HERE.

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